Storing Krill Oil in High Temperatures

Krill oil is an amazing supplement that is used for many different things and with many positive results. It has become common knowledge that fish oil is very beneficial to people’s health, and a large number of people have been using fish oil as their natural supplement of choice. However, are you aware of the fact that krill oil is actually much more valuable for your health than fish oil? Even though only few people know this, the fact is that krill oil has much more valuable nutrients than fish oil, which makes it a much better choice for anyone who is interested in taking good care of their health. Here, we will guide you through the process of storing krill oil in high temperatures.

What Are High Temperatures When Krill Oil Is Concerned?

Krill is a shrimp-like crustacean that lives in the icy waters of the seas that surround Antarctica, and this is exactly why krill oil is 100% natural and free from anything harmful such as mercury or heavy metals. Therefore, it is only logical that a natural supplement such as krill oil will not react very well to high temperatures. Generally, krill oil should be kept in dark and cold places, much like any other types of pills and dietary supplements. However, it is important to know that krill oil pills will not stand temperatures around or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) for long periods of time.

How to Store Krill Oil Supplements?

Here is a brief and helpful guide on how you should store all krill oil supplements:

  1. Krill oil supplements usually travel and come to you in plastic bottles, due to practical reasons, as well as reasons of financial nature. So, the first thing you should do when receiving the supplements is to check the expiry date, move the supplements to a clean and sterile glass container, and mark the container with what you have in there, as well as the expiry date of the supplement. Also, make sure that the container has a sealed lead, in order to keep the humidity out of the bottle.
  2. It is ideal to store the glass bottle that is sealed in a place where there is no direct sunlight, where humidity is low, and where the temperature is not very high. If you have a pantry next to your kitchen, and this is a place that satisfies the three criteria mentioned above, then this is the place where you would want to keep your krill oil supplements. As most people do not have this kind of room, the fridge is the next best place where you should keep this bottle.
  3. Finally, if you haven’t had enough time to finish off the bottle before the expiry date, simply throw it out together with the krill oil supplements. Never allow yourself to take supplements that are out of date, as this can take a negative toll on your overall health.

If you decide to use krill oil supplements, then you should definitely follow this guide to the letter and avoid your supplements becoming leaky and sticky.

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