Shipping Information


Destination Cost
Krill Oil Shipments to USA & Canada Free  ( 4 to 7 Business Days)
Krill Oil Shipments to Australia & U.K & New Zealand $14.99 ( 9 to 12 Business Days)
Krill Oil Shipments to the Rest of the World $14.99 (10 to 14 Business Days)


What is the daily recommended dose for Krill Oil?

On clinical studies minimum dose have been between 1200 mg to 3 gram daily Krill Oil. For daily use, it is recommended to start with 1200 mg (2 softgels) and after 3-4 weeks to maintain 600 mg to 1200 mg daily intake of Krill Oil.

Who can benefit most from Krill Oil?

Scope of clinical studies performed on Krill Oil Omega 3 ranges from children to seniors. Essential Fatty Acids / Phospholipids found in Krill Oil is proven to be beneficial for age groups ranging from 6 yrs old to 85+ yrs old.

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